Freedom from Discord - Book Study
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Weekly zoom and omni-local book study of Freedom from Discord: The Promise of New Thought Liberation Theology by Rev. Dr. David Alexander.
Increase Income Program
CourseThe Increased Income Program is a daily spiritual practice of being aware of the flow of good that is surrounding you everyday.
Gender Identity 101
CourseDevelop your understanding of trans and nonbinary children, youth, and adults, and how Spirit—expressing Itself in, through, and as gender diverse people—is inviting us to evolve our consciousness around gender.
Divine Discontent Series
CourseJoin us as we explore the principles of divine prophetic change through the celebration of black voices who taught us what it means to have divine discontent, with Rev. Dr. David Alexander, and Rev. Jean Bell. SLCA Pledgers can sign up for free!
Back to Basics Series
CourseJoin us as we explore the first four chapters of the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes with Rev. Dr. David Alexander, and Rev. Jean Bell. SLCA Pledgers can sign up for free!
New Thought 101
Course4.7 average rating (3 reviews)A introductory primer into all things New Thought / Science of Mind.